Position: Fabrication Shop Associate
Reporting: Reports directly to the Fabrication Supervisor
Purpose: As an associate working in the fabrication shop, employee will be tasked with assisting the fab shop supervisor in the production of rebar, redwood and dowel fabrication. Employee will report directly to, and receive daily instructions from, the fab shop supervisor. Employee will be responsible for the safe operation of certain fabrication machines and tools including, but not limited to, formula fabricating machine, table-top bending machine, rebar shearing machine, table-top scroll saw, band saw, drill press and various electric hand tools. Employee will receive full, supervised training on each tool and machine before being allowed to operate them without supervision.
Duties and Responsibilities
• Fabrication of both stock and custom rebar orders, as instructed by shop supervisor.
• Fabrication of both stock and custom redwood orders, as instructed by shop supervisor.
• Fabrication of both stock and customer dowel orders, as instructed by shop supervisor.
• Full compliance with ASA expectations and machine optimization
• Bend, cut and load rebar to customer specifications
• Unload stock material from trucks and load material onto trucks for delivery using forklifts and/or overhead crane
• Set up bender by keying required information from production tag or scanning ASA tag (i.e. pin size, bend degree, quantity and forward/reverse deductions)
• Receive stock material from loader and inspect bundle for uniformity and attachment of inventory tags, ASA tags, and partial tags if bundles are open
• Return partial stock bundles to inventory by counting bars and recording count remaining and other required information from inventory
• Communicates with fellow co-workers, supervisors, and other personnel about production issues
• Confirm correct bar size is used by comparing information on ASA tag to inventory tag
• Select proper speed for bars by referring to speed/bar size charts
• Verify bars received at bender have attached tags.
• General maintenance and cleaning of all tools and machines used to perform daily duties
• Manage the maintenance of a clean, safe workplace and demand immediate reporting of all incidents to Safety Personnel and HR
• Demonstrate behaviors consistent with the Barnsco Core Values
• Adhere to Barnsco safety rules to include wearing proper PPE